The skc group's business model focuses on ideas and expertise. With our diverse competency system and expertise, we create a project that works from any viable idea. We successfully use this capability in our own projects, which result in our own manufacturing and construction capacity in the field of food and construction, but we have also helped many of our clients achieve their business goals within the framework of our advisory, project management and application writing services.
"Our success is based on the continuous support of the SKC Group's business units with their own resources, enabling us to be a single source for our clients' objectives from access to funding to project completion."
András Somos, Managing Director
The success of our activities is based on the search for viable project ideas, the right resource raising and our experience as a project manager. We have gained business experience in a number of industries and service areas over the years, so we can give a serious insight into the business opportunities of projects that have come into our sights. We also have a great deal of practical experience in accessing direct brussels financial funds and resources, which are open to all Member States, thus offering particularly great opportunities for beneficiaries, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. Our staff provide full support in the development, submission and management of EU applications.
Food production is one of the most important industrial segments in terms of global economy and ecological sustainability. Recognizing the ever-increasing importance of this, thanks to our comprehensive strategic construction and numerous high-value investments, we have made significant improvements, resulting in significant capacity in many areas of the food production chain, such as: animal feed production, integrated animal husbandry, meat and cheese cutting and packaging, HPP (high pressure) preservation, and 100% natural juice and smoothie production.
Our construction business has a wide range of production and service capacities and capabilities. In addition to the general generate construction and design tasks, we also undertake construction work in our own construction. In particular, our specialty, heat blockSYSTEMpassive houseconstruction systembased on our own manufacturing plant, construction of low-energy residential buildings, design and construction of industrial factory halls, building wall and roof insulation, and the distribution of Isowarme premium quality doors and windows.
The skc project office's service range covers the full spectrum of needs of companies thinking of raising applications or other forms of funding: project generation, application writing, project management and consulting. After assessing individual needs, our experts will determine the best framework within which an economic objective can be achieved in terms of application or other framework.
You can become part of the success story! By reviewing the available domestic and international resources, we will work with our client to develop the most appropriate financing and construction facility. Our successful operation is no better demonstrated by the fact that since 2010 we have carried out a tender project with a total cost of almost HUF 15 billion, winning more than 6 billion HUF in funding.
- Application monitoring
- Project generation
- Examination of compliance with the eligibility criteria for tenders
- Project financing
- Preparation and coordination of a tender project
- Preparation of a feasibility study
- Environmental impact assessment and impact assessment
- Business plan and cost-benefit analysis
- Create a concept plan
- Marketing plan, program and market analysis
- Preparation of public procurement policies
- Preparation of other project-specific expert studies
- Transmission of suppliers and contractors
- Technical design
- Compilation of tender documentation
- Expert assistance for the compilation of application annexes
- Compilation of a tender budget
- Participation in a preliminary on-site inspection
- Make up for slack
- Liaising with the Contributor Organization
- Conclusion and amendment of a support contract
- Public procurement consultancy
- Coordinate project implementation
- Compiling a payment request
- Generate progress report
- Create project Maintenance Report
- Participation in an on-the-spot inspection
- Ensure project communication
- Liaising with the Contributor Organization
We have been teaching within the SKC group since 2003 and since 2008 we have been an adult training institution. During this time, we have successfully completed more than 1,000 trainingcourses. Over the years, we have continuously expanded and changed our courses to suit the current situation in the labour market. Our managed areas include efficiency-building soft skill and special trainings, language, computing and various OKJ courses. In addition, we remain open about the needs of our customers and are constantly monitoring the labour market to keep our training current.
Our goal is to provide our partners with up-to-date professional knowledge in a way that is easy to accept and enjoy. In addition, we consider it important to promote and support the 'lifelong learning and skills development' advocated by the Council of the European Union, through which participants are in the possession of marketable knowledge. Providing the right qualifications for domestic companies and the economy means increasing productivity, innovation and competitiveness.
- Quality professional training
- Meeting partner and professional expectations
- International education palette
- Effective teaching methods and techniques
- Flexible education times
- Online and distance learning
- Highly experienced trainers and trainers
- Europass certificate
- Flexible payment plans
- Automotive
- Energy
- Food
- Construction
- Manufacturing and assembly industry
- IT/ Telecommunications
- Oil, gas and chemical industry
- Finance, banking sector
- Classroom courses
- Outsourced training
- On demand courses
- Blended or combined learning
As part of the extensive commercial activities of SKC Solution Kft., our company is a hungarian distributor of many visuals and office technical and electronic and diy machines. More than 23,000 of our products are currently available on our SKCSTORE website, 60% of which can be shipped directly from stock. Our delivery covers the whole country, while our sales colleagues are available to our customers by phone or in person. For some products we provide partner prices to our reseller partners, while we also provide individual discounts for larger product offers and public procurements. Nationally, we have four offices and several warehouses of our own, and in our close partnershipwe have the warehouses of our subcontractors.
The main activity of the public procurement business of SKC-Solution Kft. is the delivery of interactive whiteboards and interactive displays to the institutions involved in centralized public procurement under the DKM0205MESZ20 contract between the Digital Government Agency (DKÜ) and our partner 4iG Nyrt. Quick access to products: https://kozbeszerzes.dkuzrt.hu/termek - please type "SKC" in the search engine. Our product list contains SKC AVTEK products for traditional (projector-projectable) boards, SKC AVA3 75" for smaller displays (75") and SKC AVTEK Connect 86" for larger displays (86"). Of course, the www.wordwall3.hu software is included!
Head office / Head office
- 1031 Budapest, Rozália u. 11.
- Tel/fax: +36 1 240 4744
- education: +36 30 823 0785
- office management: +36 70 680 6874
- project management: +36 70 680 6870
- info@skc.hu
Customer service office
Costumer service
- Customer service office:
- 4046 Debrecen, Bethlen u. 6-8/D. 1/1.
- Opening hours: weekdays (Monday to Friday) 8:00-16:00
- Contact: 06 70 377 3187
- E-mail: development@skc.hu